Curriculum Intent Statement
Pupils will leave school having had a broad experience using computing technology for a range of purposes. They will acquire general fluency in a fast moving, ever changing field. They will be taught how to respect technology, its risks and fragility, while also demystifying it. That way, they will realise that a computer is designed, created and programmed by a human to enable it to function. When teaching the children, an effort will be made to allow them to freely explore the different programs we will be using, both at school and at home. E-Safety will be interwoven throughout the year through whole school activities and in all computing lessons, with the aim of empowering children to keep themselves and others safe online. There is a clear plan for progression. Children will be supported to close any gaps in their learning. Where children show high ability, talent and interest, they will be appropriately challenged in and beyond school. Children will be supported to amend, improve and collaborate with their peers using technology as a resource to lift barriers to learning. The subject will be presented as one to enjoy across the curriculum.