Curriculum Intent
At the heart of reading is its purpose – reading for meaning. We aim to develop pupils’ passion for literature and their intrinsic motivation to read. We aim to promote a simple view of reading where word recognition and language comprehension combine to develop effective lifelong readers. We recognise the importance of spoken language in developing comprehension and vocabulary and promote strong pupil voice within effective teaching and learning. Vocabulary development is understood to be key to reading comprehension. We understand the benefits, to learning, of reading aloud to pupils. We continually assess reading to identify and meet individual need and lift barriers to learning.
Curriculum Implementation
A whole school approach to reading and reading for pleasure develops reader’s confidence, engagement and excitement with reading. The teaching of reading is systematic and rigorous with phonic and decoding skills together with the acquisition of ‘tricky’ words being key in EY and KS1. At the early stages, reading resources are closely matched to phonic awareness. Active reading and written comprehension is taught across the school. A structured reading scheme supports fluency, stamina and builds confidence with reading. Quality first teaching ensures that pupils’ responses to texts are effectively questioned and developed. Teachers use a wide range of strategies to teach reading including guided reading and shared reading. There are dedicated spaces for reading including a welcoming library where pupils are encouraged to borrow books and are supported to read varied genres. There is an excellent range of reading resources available to pupils. Stocks are renewed regularly and the purchase of annual collections recommended by Empathy Lab are purchased. Careful consideration is given to meaningful representation in the literature children have access to. Parents are supported to help their children with reading. Volunteers are employed to support reading. Reading is continually assessed and individual needs are identified and met. Reading is for everyone.
Curriculum Impact
Pupils enjoy reading and want to read and share their love for literature. Children transition to high school with key competencies in reading in line with national expectations. Children read widely, often and with fluency. Pupils are able to identify different question types and can generate literal, inferential and evaluative questions for themselves. There is a buzz around literature and reading. Through reading children are supported to access the curriculum with increasing independence.
A Parent guide to Read Write Inc