Clay Pots

To make their clay pots, Stone age potters would first have had to gather their materials. They would have got a lump of raw solid clay which they would bash in to small flakes. Then, they would add and mix in: quartz, crushed fruit and shells, old, burned clay pots and water. When this was smooth, they would get roughly a quarter of the clay, pinch it and flatten it into a base with short edges. Next, they would roll out their clay, bit by bit, and coil it up on top of the layer underneath. After that, they would use flint scrapers to smooth the sides. Next they would use their fingers, bird bones, claws and antlers to decorate the pot. Finally, they would set them on fire to turn them in to earthenware.

To make a pinch pot we simply flattened the clay and pinched up the edges. For the coil pots, we made our base first. Then we scored diagonal slashes across the coils of clay and the base. We put a little amount of water on the layers and put the coils around the rim, lining up the scores to help them join the layers together. We continued this process until we had a pot. Then we used our tools to smooth the edges and add our decorations, just like the Stone Age people would have done.

Jamie and Maya

Reading Club

The librarians are holding a reading club every Wednesday lunchtime this term for anyone interested in reading. You can read your own book, read to a librarian or have a librarian read a book to you. Nearly the whole school signed up to book club so the librarians will be choosing groups each week so everyone has a turn. Thank you librarians!

Mind Maps inspired by Peter Pan

Year 4, 5 and 6 are studying Peer Pan by J.M. Barrie and were intrigued by Mrs Darling exploring her children’s minds. Using text, they created a representation of the own minds. They are very interesting.

Stone Age Hand Prints

As part of our study of Stone Age art we looked at hand prints that have been discovered in caves and created our own. It was fun (and messy) trying to discover the best painting technique to create them.

KS2 Dance – Water

Diamond class have been learning about the water cycle in Science so in PE we have been creating a dance based on the movement of water. Our dance motifs have been created by combing three different types of movements. We learned how to move in unison, in cannon and to act and react to another’s actions. We shared our dances with the other children in the class and would like to share them with you as well.

Cross Country

This week saw eleven pupils from KS2 take part in our cluster school’s cross country competition. After weeks of practice developing and maintaining their running techniques, they challenged themselves to run against other children in their year groups. This year we achieved 6th place with many children finishing in their best times and positions. Very well done to all who took part!

Ask the Expert

The first Friday of every half term is ‘Ask the Expert’ in Diamond Class. We all brought interesting items in and discussed them practicing our presentation and questioning and answering skills. We voted the adoption of cats as the best ‘Ask the Expert’ item this term as it follows our school values!


The Year 3 and 4 have been learning about mass (the weight of objects). Today we were looking at the difference between grams and kilograms. First we handle the different weights and discussed which unit of mass different objects would be weighed in and why. Then, with the help of some scales, we worked out the missing weights to make 1kg.

P.E. Circles                        

This week in PE, both Diamond Class and Emerald Class worked together in our circle groups. Our objective was to work as a group to design a relay race which everyone could take part in. First we sat in our groups to think up our races. Then the circle leads got together to set out the races and make sure each team knew what they had to do. We had great fun and learned how support and encouragement can help teams achieve.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
