Diamond Class
The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce. In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.

Recent Activities
Everyone in school celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a book and sharing that book with their House group. They also wrote a book review recommending why others should read the book.

What a fabulous time Y5 and 6 had on residential at the Horstead Centre and they were pleased this year to be joined by our Federation school, Salhouse CEVC Primary. Lots of new friends were made and pupils learned to use our school values of perseverance and courage to tackle a lot of adventurous outdoor activities. They were an absolute pleasure to take away and everyone is super proud of them.

Inspired by images from WW2, Diamond Class learned how to create a backwash and cut images from black paper to create city war scenes. The final images were dramatic and thought provoking.

Diamond Class have been looking at different dance styles that were popular during the wartime period. They choregraphed their own dances based on the tempo and movement used in the original dance. They had great fun performing their versions of the Charleston, Lambeth Walk and the Lindy Hop to the rest of the class.

After visiting the Circus, Diamond Class created their own moving toy based on a circus theme. They investigated moving toys learning the names of parts like follower, slider, cam and axle. They constructed their own box learning how to join moving parts together and then decorated according to their designs. We think they are great.

Linked to our Circus topic, Diamond Class studied ‘Circus’ by the artist Joan Miro learning about surrealism and Miro’s style. They then created their own Circus piece of art work using surrealism techniques. They also learned how to model 3D images using polystyrene shapes and wire and recreated scenes from their art work in 3D form.

For our poetry festival, the pupils learned about a range of poetry styles and explored poems in books from the library, specifically looking for poems that would be great to perform. they learned that performance poetry works well with actions, expression and intonation and they chose a poem they wished to practice and perform at our festival.

In Sapphire Class we worked together to select, rehearse and perform our own group poems. We worked together in small groups and had to think carefully about how we would use our voices, changing the speed, tone and volume of our voices to put on a good performance! We then performed these confidently at the poetry festival and reflected on how our performances went.
In the Autumn, we learned about the Romans. We discovered where they came from and which parts of Europe they conquered. We found out about the Roman army discovering how they were so successful and finding out about their clothing and equipment. We also looked at a selection of pictures of Boudicca and evaluated which we could trust as accurate artefacts.
We learned about circuses before our school trip to the Hippodrome and discovered that in the 19th century, Pablo Fanque was a local circus owner and performer.

In the spring term we learned about World War II and considered what it would have been like for evacuees.