
Diamond Class

The teacher in Diamond class is Mrs Rounce.  In the morning Mrs Smith teaches Year 2 and 3 in Sapphire Class. Mrs Glover and Miss Wollington support teaching and learning in Diamond class.


Home learning tasks can be found on Google classroom

Recent Activities

Danny the Champion of the World – Chapter Analysis

We are reading Danny the Champion of the World and to understand how extended stories are written, we have been mapping out the chapters looking at how the plot and characters are developed.


This term seven eager children took part in the cluster netball tournament. They all worked really hard and played brilliantly. Well done everyone!

Forest schools – Perseverance

This week in forest schools we listen to a story Stacey read, The Tin Forest by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson about the power of perseverance and the importance of looking after the Earth.

Today’s activities included playing the Roman game of Rota, a three-in-a-row game like tic tac toe but played in a wheel shape, which many of us found intriguing. We also created our own natural mosaics using different coloured leaves found on the floor and inspired by the ancient Romans.

Rusting Experiment

This term our science topic is ‘Changes of Materials’. We have investigated how iron rusts when exposed to water. Each group investigated a different idea. Some looked at ways to protect the iron nail using Vaseline, Sellotape or paint. Other groups tried putting their iron nails in different solutions.

Forest schools – Roman Shields

We started this week’s forest schools with an exciting experiment. We tested the Roman Shields we made the previous week with water pistols!

The other activities were also lots of fun. Some of us took turns in whittling our own Roman daggers out of Willow, tried our hands at playing Roman dice games or made our own Roman coil pots. We still had time to find various shaped goals and a shield bug!


We started the year by reading Roald Dahl’s autobiography and then we wrote our own.

Samba Music

We have been learning about Samba music from the South America this term.

Students have been playing different rhythms on samba instruments. We have used Surdos (big drums) Tambarims (small drums) A-Go-Go bells and Gansas (shakers). Students have been working on following a conductor, different sections in the music and ostinato rhythms (repeated rhythms).

Forest Schools – Self Portraits

As part of our autobiography work, we all made our self-portraits using natural materials from the outdoors. Do you think they look like us?

Roman Day

Diamond Class visited the Castle Museum Norwich to learn all about the Romans. We had to decide whether we voted for the Celtic life or for the changes that the Romans brought. What would you have voted for?

Timeline of British History

The children looked at key events in British history and considered when they may have happened. They then worked with a partner to arrange the events on a timeline, looking carefully at the dates.

Fleggburgh Primary School
Main Road, Fleggburgh, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3AG

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Hayley Sonnex
Head of School - Mrs Ingrid Rounce
SENCo - Mrs C Laband

Contact Lisa Phillimore or Tina Cogdell in the school office
Telephone: 01493 369283
Email: office@fleggburgh.norfolk.sch.uk
